In this close up I plan to use this boxing bag because it fits within the genre conventions of a sports genre, it also portrays the theme of violence and aggresssion. I also used it because I wanted to show how this protagonist's life is in reference to his past. I used this location because I wanted to get the atmosphere and a reaction from the audience of alienation, violenve etc.
In this shot, I used a close up because I wanted to show how the only thing that keeps him in touch with in reality is boxing. I also wanted to show the link between masculinity and gangsterism. The boxing glove signifies his aggression and part of his character as someone who is selfish and self centered.
I took this picture because I wanted to show everlast as a leading brand and I also wanted to use it as a link towards the protagonist to reflect his intentions and characteristics.
In this pictures of boxers i used these because I wanted to show, the characters inspiration and how he tries to reflect his character through these idols, I also wanted to show historical characters that are seen as legends in their minds , so I'm also showing competiveness. I also chose these pictures so I could use a panning movement to communicate to the audience what type of narrative it is and genre it is and getting picture of what its like yo be a boxer and how boxing reflects his status within society.
The lighting in this picture around the bottle signifies his addiction towards alcohol and how his trying to find his identity and how he is trapped by the intentions and reactions that he has produced.
I chose this shot because i wanted to show, a common convention of the crime genre movies and i wanted to show to show how the light reflects the character as someone, who is alienated by drinking alcohol by himself and waiting for his end to come. I also wanted to reflect the link between reality and fiction.
I have picked these photos to be shown on my blog because I wanted to represent the types of shots that I would be using and the types of locations I am going to portray within my film. I also wanted to show the props I would be using in my film and also the lighting that i would use to create different connotations and gain various responses from the audience.
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